To make a long story short, sort of, I went online to order the Engine 2 Diet, because I wanted some ideas on oil/fat free cooking that I could meld with the Vegan Fusion way of layering ingredients, to give everything maximum flavor, as well as nutrition, and I somehow ended up on the E2 webpage, where I immediately zeroed in on the link to Food Coach Training... Was that a run on sentence? Probably. And thanks for paying attention.
The synchronicities are too many to ignore in all this. From talking about moving to Austin, Texas the day before (for no reason anyone could come up with), to saying to Rick, Hey, I don't know what to do, but I know I could get a call or an email at any moment, that could change everything, " to being contacted by someone close to me who asked if I'd like to do something very similar to Food Coaching...
So I looked at the Food Coach information, read the FAQs, and went straight to the application link. You don't just get to sign up for this course. You have to apply, be approved, pay a bunch of money, and travel to Texas to make it happen. I don't know for sure that this is right for me, but I also don't know that it isn't, so I'm going forward with it for now.
One part of the application is a video, less than 3 minutes, to give them an idea of the applicant's personality and aptitude for sharing information. Oh dear... this could have stopped me. Scary! But with Rick as my camera man and chief encourager, we knocked out a little video this evening that might be passable enough to get me in... if it turns out I actually want to be in. Want a crash course on making Nori Rolls? I have a video for you! Next time I'll have Rick turn the iPhone the other direction, but for now, this is what we have...
As I dig deeper into the application, much of what they want to know doesn't actually apply to me. Like "professional references"... I've been self employed for over 20 years, and answer to no one but myself. If anyone would like to volunteer to be listed as a professional reference, please let me know. I could use a couple of good ones! I'll fill it out the best I can, but I'm beginning to think I'm a little too much of a free spirit to fit in with what they want. That's okay. I'm learning as I go, and even if I only learn a thing or two about making a cooking video, that's pretty valuable. I'm not all that good at jumping through other people's hoops, but sometimes I don't mind spinning them around and having some fun with them. If you make some Nori Rolls, do let us know how they turned out. My real goal is to help you make good food. So eat your greens, and meet me back here later.